video production

HD In-House has flawlessly executed documentary, studio, live-action and small-scale location productions for notable clients like KEEN footwear, Children’s Wisconsin, Medical College of Wisconsin, Briggs & Riley luggage, Trek, BlueAir filtration (Unilever),  Milliman Intelliscript, Visit Milwaukee and more. To learn more about HD In-House video, or to get a quote for your project, contact Michael Joyce.

visit Milwaukee - Bobby portis

HD In-House spent a day following Milwaukee Bucks star Bobby Portis as he introduced his social followers to his new home.
HD In-House not only captured the footage for this social media campaign promoting Milwaukee, but handled all of the logistics, coordinated the locations and developed the shooting schedule in a way that maximized what could be captured in a one day shoot with a celebrity. The videos were edited and finished at HD, as well.

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mcw - stories rewritten

As part of the Medical College of Wisconsin’s rebranding, HD In-house produced a series of documentary videos depicting the impact different aspects of MCW has on the lives of the people and communities they serve.

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Standard process social assets

HD In-House produced a wide variety of photo, gif and video assets to fulfill the needs of Standard Process's social media calendar. The video above represents just a sampling of the scope of that work.

Miliman Intelliscript - f.o.m.a.

HD In-House produced and edited this on-location video for Milliman Intelliscript, coordinating all logistics including talent, location, lighting, and all contracts and payments.

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Blueair - dirty filters

BlueAir (a Unilever company) air filtration products, a division of Unilever, contracted HD to produce a campaign reminding people of the need to replace their dirty filters. We used HD In-House to execute all photography and video production, editing and motion graphics to help us maintain a high level of production quality on a limited budget.

Quantum Sails - The Challenge

Our HD In-House video team hit the open seas to capture a combination of lifestyle, action and land/seascape footage for this Quantum Sails brand video. All post production–video and audio editing, color correction, etc.–was performed by HD In-House, as well.

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the work